Different Technologies

This seminar exposed me to different technologies that I had some familiarity with, but I never thought about it in connection to my teaching or research. A few examples came from Tuckle’s Togehter Alone chapters about the robotic pet and partners, as well as the caring robots for the disabled.  This is interesting from an psychological as well as an ethical perspective, which works well with the cluster of “Medicine, Mind, Body” that includes General Psychology and Medical Ethics, never mind the ethically questionable research she has done with children and robotic companions. Others include Portwood-Stacer’s conspicuous non-consumption of Facebook, really changed the way I view Facebook, that by being active on Facebook, one is actually working for Facebook. I also become to view myself as a conspicuous non-smartphone user, although I have not committed myself of never having a Smartphone. I have integrated the Smartphone in my classroom discussion, as virtually all students are in possession of one, and exploring their usage and the potential and actual impacts on the environment, social justice and and psychological health illustrated by a short video “wake up call” that in 6 min summarizes extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal, planned and perceived obsolescence.

I encountered numerous interesting YouTube videos, which lead me to explore more of them, which I have and plan to show in my classes . Particularly the ones that explore race in a popular and critical manner e.g. Igaraividez’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l7WuaLsFyg. Furthermore I am considering to have students actively search out such videos as well as create one themselves and critically reflect on the artifacts.

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