This seminar has been an incredibly rewarding experience, both in terms of my research and teaching. I want to echo something that Dominique brought up about this being a “regenerative” space: the intellectual component – especially in the interdisciplinary …
Month: June 2016
More final thoughts!
I forgot to mention how the discussion of memory dampening and the ethical implications impacted my teaching in LIB 200!
In addition to the AI discussions mentioned in my previous post, I added a discussion of memory dampening and the …
Final thoughts
What is the most important/interesting take away from this seminar?
This is a tough question. There were so many interesting things to take away. On a personal note, the seminar and its content really made me think a lot more …
My Experience in the TechSelfSociety Seminar
I would say the most important take away for me was that I had some of my assumptions challenged and changed my views about technology and its impact on our lives and values. These changes were a direct result of …
Final reflection, Dominique Zino
The most important take-away from this semester for me, as a second-year faculty member, was the reminder that, in the midst of busy teaching lives, we need to stay connected to collegial spaces for intellectual exchange and debate. The “Tech, …
Final Reflection-Gonzales
The most important aspect for me of this seminar has been the opportunity to intellectually engage with a subject matter that is present and pressing in our world today. The pace of technological change in regards to the impact of …
Final reflection – Rebekah Johnson
The most important take-away I got from this seminar has been learning interesting related content about technology, identity, and society from colleagues each who come from different disciplines and have different expertise. Our discussions were stimulating and thought-provoking and I …
The NEH Transhumanism seminar 2015-16
Final Reflections
The most successful aspect of this seminar has been the opportunity it’s provided for faculty from various departments to share our insights, interests, and resources with each other. This interdisciplinary sharing has helped me to extend my understanding of the …
Zena Ruskai-Final Reflection
Coming with a background in linguistics and modern languages, I was not sure how I would be able to integrate the contents of this seminar and my areas of expertise to eventually teach LIB 200. In addition, I was …