The most successful aspect of this seminar has been the opportunity it’s provided for faculty from various departments to share our insights, interests, and resources with each other. This interdisciplinary sharing has helped me to extend my understanding of the relations among technology, self, and society both in terms of what to read and watch, as well as in unique ways to bring this content into the classroom. The seminar also gave us the opportunity to talk about complex academic issues in depth – particularly given the length of the seminar. Because of this, I was challenged to think about technology in more nuanced ways, rather than the more so cynical approach I had taken toward new technological developments prior to this seminar. And, given the expectations for faculty to publish and teach at a high level, the space to consider such complicated issues with each other was a welcome change.
In terms of my teaching, this seminar has both introduced me to new content – e.g., on memory, avatars, and cinematic approaches to new technologies – as well as to new methods of teaching this content – e.g., the use of new technological platforms (Slack), new assignments to engage students in these heady questions, and new materials that cover cross-disciplinary approaches to thinking about technology, self, and society. I am excited to implement these new ideas so that I can assess whether students are as motivated and challenged by these materials as I have been.
On a last note, I want to thank all the participants in this seminar – I’ve learned so much from each of you and look forward to working with you in the future!