Here is a much better explanation what “sea-lioning” refers to in relation to the webcomic critiquing Gamergaters.
Nakamura’s recommended readings are linked to on the overview page. I also added a folder on the resources page with lots …
Here is a much better explanation what “sea-lioning” refers to in relation to the webcomic critiquing Gamergaters.
Nakamura’s recommended readings are linked to on the overview page. I also added a folder on the resources page with lots …
What element of your Cluster or LIB200 curriculum do you see yourself creating or revising in this NEH seminar? Are you considering developing a new assignment or activity, or mapping out a new theme/syllabus? Please post your response as a …
Just a reminder to start posting questions based on the readings from Laura Portwood-Stacer (links on the Resources page).
Since we’ve gotten comments to work, I’d like to suggest posting these questions as comments to this post below. Does …
I really enjoyed the discussion we had today about Alone Together. Sorin talked about how Target utilizes statistical research in their targeted marketing – you can read more about that here. Comments from Francine and others about getting …