Just a reminder to start posting questions based on the readings from Laura Portwood-Stacer (links on the Resources page).
Since we’ve gotten comments to work, I’d like to suggest posting these questions as comments to this post below. Does …
Just a reminder to start posting questions based on the readings from Laura Portwood-Stacer (links on the Resources page).
Since we’ve gotten comments to work, I’d like to suggest posting these questions as comments to this post below. Does …
I really enjoyed the discussion we had today about Alone Together. Sorin talked about how Target utilizes statistical research in their targeted marketing – you can read more about that here. Comments from Francine and others about getting …
I try always to be a generous reader. There is much to be gained by reading with the grain rather than against it, as we are taught to do in academia. However, I found myself frequently exasperated by Sherry Turkle’s …
I write this in an attempt to contribute to the work we are doing in our NEH seminar on identity. I feel like an ouroboros, myself, eating its tail. I am all the figures being interviewed in the article, buried …
I find particularly intriguing the idea that online connectivity offers extensive possibilities for experimenting with identity (p. 152) via a kind of a social moratorium. The author goes back to this line of thought near the end of the chapter …
I admit that I share some of Sherry Turkle’s reservations about technology and social media. These are, frankly, more things I find personally irritating than anything else: the ever-present smartphone during social engagements (though I am guilty of this often), …
Confrontation between old and new perspectives around acceptable uses of technologies are vivid in Always On, Turkle’s Chapter 8. For example, a middle-aged man is incredulous to learn that a woman he invited to dinner was blogging the conversation while …
The chapter is a good depiction of how we became addicted to the new media technologies, old and young. Cyborgs use to epitomize this addiction. Now it looks like we all became a prototype of Cyborgs.
One of the most …
Reading Chapter Eight of Sherry Turkle’s Alone Togther, I was drawn to the stories and behaviors of the individuals that appear here as case studies, though perhaps not for the reasons Turkle intended (if I were to assume her …