This seminar has helped me develop ideas around improving my students digital presence. Combing ideas from the readings and issues that came up in discussion I set about reinventing the Art and Design Seminar course for the Fine Arts program …
Author: Hugo Fernandez
The Robotics of Celebrity
My current cluster is dealing with the issue of “Fame” or “Celebrity,” so it is hard to see how I am going to fit in this idea of the robot or robotics, except as the celebrity is an artificial construct …
Initial Curriculum Ideas
Me Thinks the Facebookers Protest Too Much: Thoughts on Laura Portwood-Stacer’s article on Media Refusal and conspicuous non-consumption
Laura Portwood-Stacer’s article “Media refusal and conspicuous non-consumption: The performative and political dimensions of Facebook abstention” is an interesting take on some people’s vehement dislike of the social media platform and exit its use in very public ways.
What I …
The Center Will Not Hold: Thoughts on My Way to Existential Entropy
I write this in an attempt to contribute to the work we are doing in our NEH seminar on identity. I feel like an ouroboros, myself, eating its tail. I am all the figures being interviewed in the article, buried …