The seminar has allowed me to consider developing a new theme for a LIB200 seminar. Some of the issues we discussed related to biases and inequities gave me an idea that I might use to encourage students to investigate some …
Category: Final reflection 2015 June
Self, Society and… Technology!
This seminar was very interesting and helpful. I teach LIB200 and I will revise some assignments and add new ones based on the readings we discussed. I particularly liked the part on Gaming. I already use interdisciplinarity, but I would …
Self, Society and Technology Final Reflection
My participation in the Self, Society and Technology Seminar impacted the structure of my LIB 200 Mathematics and Civilization course structure in the following ways:
1. I revised the syllabus in order to incorporate explicit discussions on the nature of …
Who Do I Think I Am?
Though I am not a faculty member, as an instructional designer for the LaGuardia Center for Teaching and Learning I lead faculty seminars mostly related to the thoughtful integration of technology and pedagogy. This seminar has enabled me to engage …
Different Technologies
This seminar exposed me to different technologies that I had some familiarity with, but I never thought about it in connection to my teaching or research. A few examples came from Tuckle’s Togehter Alone chapters about the robotic pet and …
Final Reflection – 2014-2015 seminar
While I didn’t get to roll out my new seminar ideas this year, I’ll be teaching an LIB 200 section in the fall drawing on some of the readings/themes that we touched upon this semester. My LIB 200 fall course …
Final Reflection / New Theme on Language & Literacy
Over the course of this seminar, I have established a new theme for LIB 200, which I am tentatively calling Literacy and Linguistic Diversity in New York City. This theme came to be because of three primary reasons:
1) Conversations …
Prompt response for June 19th, 2015
This seminar has helped me develop ideas around improving my students digital presence. Combing ideas from the readings and issues that came up in discussion I set about reinventing the Art and Design Seminar course for the Fine Arts program …